Airport Aquarium Installation
Airport Aquarium Installation
One of our projects this month was the installation of a beautiful bespoke, Lake Malawi aquarium in one of the UK’s major airports.
Originally this installation was scheduled for 2020, but due to the pandemic and major airports closing their doors, this installation was put on hold. However, last month we finally got the go ahead to proceed with this installation, along with many other installs and recommissions we will be undertaking in major UK and European Airports over the next few months.
And so …work began with the installation of the frame, filtration, aquarium and decor.
After installing the frame, the sump (the filtration system under the aquarium) was then put in place and the mechanical filtration and bio media were added. The equipment was then installed, including a Heater, UV Steriliser, a Return Pump and a Rowaphos Reactor.
The aquarium was then placed on top of marine ply and polystyrene, on top of the frame. It was then hard piped and white coral sand, and white artificial corals added. Following this, the aquarium equipment was installed, consisting of controllable LED Lights, an Auto Feeder, Wavemaker, Dual Air Pump and Air Stones.
Cabinetry and electrics were then fitted around the aquarium, by an external cabinet making company.
Airport Aquarium Installation
Once two weeks had passed our Team returned to fill the aquarium with water and treatments. A week later they returned again to add the fish and varieties included Yellow Labidochromis, Malawi Cichlid Peacocks of all colours and Bristlenose Scavengers. A Lake Malawi aquarium enabled our client to have these colourful fish and the vibrancy of a coral reef inhabitant, but yet this type of aquarium requires far less maintenance than a marine aquarium.
Malawi is a tiny landlocked country between Zambia, Tanzania and Mozambique.
How we can help
We offer a range of aquarium services, from design and installation to service and maintenance.
Services include marine and reef aquariums, freshwater aquariums, water features and ponds.
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